2022 Work
Themes for 2022

The Themes for this year’s InFinnity Project are inspired by this work called Angel which Finn created whilst still at school.
The themes are:
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Prisoner of the Mind
Medium: acrylic paint on canvas
Size: 50cm x 70cm
Theme: Messenger
Lawlight Maledictus (25) has submitted this work independently to raise awareness on mental health and well being. Lawlight says: “Art calms me and relaxes me and it’s cheaper then therapy, that’s what I say .”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: John Craven’s Newsround
Medium: Watercolour pencils and acrylic on paper
Size: A4
Theme: Messenger
Michelle Knight from Braintree says: “This work reminds me of watching television as a child. I have Asperger syndrome and art helps with my anxiety.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Carrier Pigeon
Medium: Pencil on pastelmat
Size: A4
Theme: Messenger
Michelle Cush from Braintree has submitted this work under the Messenger theme. She says: Art helps me to relax and my mental health art group is an amazing place full of people facing the same types of issues so is a brilliant support system.
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Solomon’s Messenger Bird
Medium: Coloured pencil on pastelmat
Size: A4
Theme: Messenger
Michelle Cush from Essex says: “Art helps me to relax and my mental health art group is an amazing place full of people facing the same types of issues so is a brilliant support system.”
Submitted under the Aura theme:

Title: Nature’s Calming Auras
Medium: Collage combining butterflies painted in acrylic and a background painted in watercolour on paper. A4
Theme: Aura
Rachel Randle from Hitchin says: “I have thought of an aura as how something makes me feel when I’m around it. When I’m in nature watching butterflies I feel calm. I represented this calm feeling with auras around each butterfly in my favourite colours.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Hailing Frequencies Closed!
Medium: Coloured pencil on Vellum
Theme: Messenger
Daniel is part of the Braintree Art group in Essex. He says ” Art helps with reducing anxiety.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Trumpet Messenger
Medium: Acrylic
Theme: Messenger
Michala Christian (49) is from Essex – she says “I have been part of the Braintree group for a few months now and wanted to join in with those taking part – Art helps so much and helps me relax .”
Submitted under the Consolation theme:

Title: Love
Medium: Acrylic
Theme: Consolation
Michala Christian (49) is from Essex – she says “I have been part of the Braintree group for a few months now and wanted to join in with those taking part – Art helps so much and helps me relax .”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Messengers
Medium: Felt tip pens on paper
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Theme: Messenger
Lorraine Hempstead (43) regularly contributes through the Braintree Art Group – she says: “I have been part of the group for many years and it really helps me each week.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Messenger of God
Medium: Pencil
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Theme: Messenger
Thomas Bendall from Braintree has submitted this work done as part of his Art Therapy – he says: “I do art work at home and recently joined the Braintree Rethink Group it really helps me.”
Submitted under the Aura theme:

Title: My Aura
Medium: Pastel
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Theme: Aura
Kat Haynes (49) from Essex has created this work under the Aura theme: She says “I am passionate about people understanding mental health conditions, and if this piece helps even one person understand bipolar better, I will be so glad. Art helps me express myself and also is a distraction and creative outlet“
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: The Bi-Polar Mind
Medium: Watercolour and ink on watercolour board
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch
Theme: Messenger
Chloe Sadler from Salisbury says: “I am passionate about people understanding mental health conditions, and if this piece helps even one person understand bipolar better, I will be so glad. Art helps me express myself and also is a distraction and creative outlet.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Snoozy Orange Cat
Medium: Acrylics on Paper
Size: Not specified
Theme: Messenger
Billie-Jean Rice from Derbyshire has submitted this work independently. She says “Painting soothes my soul.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:
Title: Plastron
Medium: Pencils on paper
Size: Not specified
Theme: Messenger
Stijn is 41 and from Belgium. He says that he has submitted this work as “Healing is what we all hope – enlightenment creates, depression and darkness destroys one’s talents.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Spring Messenger of Hope
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 20cm x 20cm
Theme: Messenger
Rachel Randle from Hitchin has submitted this work independently – she says: “My painting “Spring messenger of hope” represents that just like winter gives way to spring we can come back out of the darkness of a depressive episode. For me the butterfly messenger is a colourful reminder that there is always hope especially on days when it is hard to find.”
Submitted under the Consolation theme:

Title: Comfort
Medium: Charcoal and pastels on paper
Size: 29cm by 31cm approx
Theme: Consolation
Penny Baldwin (48) from Dorset has submitted this work independently. She suffers from undiagnosed Aspergers, social anxiety, depression and says “This is the first time I have done a charcoal and pastel picture. It represents me and the teddy bear I had since I was a baby, and the comfort I got from it through difficult times. Art helps me to focus on a positive mindset.”
Submitted under the Aura theme:

Title: Aura
Medium: Markers on paper
Size: A3
Theme: Aura
Another submission by Kaz Raven called Aura. Kaz has used markers on paper to create this image. Kaz says: “I’ve supported this project from the start and find it allows me to support a cause close to my heart. Art is my therapy, my safety, my way to communicate without words”
Submitted under the Consolation theme:

Title: In My Head
Medium: Acrylics on canvas
Size: 20″ x 16″
Theme: Consolation
Pete Logan from Berkshire has submitted this work independently. He has a diagnosed condition and he says: “Mental health is important to me, I have BPD myself and it’s hard for people to understand me or what it’s like. Art gives me a focus and to also express my thoughts & visions that’s difficult to explain.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Role Models
Medium: Mixed media
Size: A4
Theme: Messenger
Kaz Raven has suffered from a diagnosed mental health condition and uses art to express herself. She says : “I was inspired by the adults that shaped me and inspired little me to keep growing.”
Submitted under the Consolation theme:

Title: Lean on me
Medium: Watercolour on board
Size: 6″ x 6″
Theme: Consolation
Kaz Raven has been part of the InFinnity Project since inception. She says: “I’ve supported this project from the start and find it allows me to support a close to my heart. Art is my therapy, my safety, my way to communicate without words.”
Submitted under the Messenger theme:

Title: Justice
Medium: Watercolour on watercolour paper
Size: A3
Theme: Messenger
Burgette is a professional artist from Wakefield and has a diagnosed mental health condition.
Burgette says: I’m submitting this work as it’s a great project. The work is a depiction of Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel – known as the Angel of God’s beauty, patron of artists and is often depicted wielding a sword. Jophiel also helps with exposing wrong doing and corruption in government and in companies and to my knowledge loves interior design.
Submitted under the Consolation theme:

Title: The Carer
Medium: Acrylic on plywood
Size: 40cm x 40cm
Theme: Consolation
Jason Kearney is a carpenter from London with a diagnosed condition. He says “I use art to sooth trauma, I’ve been told by viewers it soothes them too, so I would like to extend that comfort to more people. He has written an article which gives a good insight into his practice.” https://www.alustforlife.com/voice/personal-stories/when-words-are-not-enough-art-and-my-mental-health