How It Works
Each year the themes for the InFinnity Project are announced on 25th February.
This year 2 dimensional work will only be eligible. Please see the terms and conditions for submission set out there. Please note that we can’t accept music, writing or any other non-visual art form, nor original photography or videos.
The closing date for Submissions is 31st August each year.
Following this, a number of works will be selected by an assessment panel of professional and amateur artists, in categories to be decided depending on the nature of submissions received, but at least one work will be chosen on each theme. The works chosen will be announced on World Mental Health Day, October 10th
The Judges include:
Simeron Kaler – Artist
Jamie Clark – Stained Glass Artist and Art Teacher
Giles Baker-Smith – Art Dealer
Pippa Grace – Ellie J Shakerley Poetry
Geordine Briscoe – Rethink Mental Illness
Previous Judges have included Val Huet from BAAT, David O’Flynn from the Adamson Collection, Daniel Walshe from Rethink whose support has been much appreciated.
With agreement from the makers of the chosen works, these will then be used to create cards to be sold to raise funds for Rethink Mental Illness.
When people experiencing deep emotional distress cannot communicate feelings verbally, art-making can provide a path back to the self and to others. Within the context of art therapy, art can help develop a better understanding of emotions and address their impact on life and relationships.” – Dr Val Huet, CEO of the British Association of Art Therapists