Ellie J. Shakerley Poetry Competition in collaboration with the InFinnity Project
The winning Poem written by Sister Chain & Brother John
Angel of Suburbia 1983 inspired by Finn’s artwork

You might not think of ‘swagger’ when you think of angels but of grace and holy stuff:
unearthly eery things but that Angel who came to my terrace that night
as big and as golden as Shwedagon temple and made my parents shut up
and blew up the school and took me to see the stars
and made stars ask for my autograph
and when I showed him my scars said “what scars?” and
shrugged for me the smooth skin
of a teenage seal
and before he left
placed his giant palms on my shoulders – two big yellow California suns and said that what was
definitely WILL NOT
ever shall be
That angel – he had swagger
and I’ve been flying on it
ever since.